Friday, November 30, 2018

Blog Post 4-(Media)

Media is a linkage institution because it is a way to reach out to citizens and influence them on what side of politics they should be on. Public opinion plays a big role throughout linkage institutions. The more active the government is the more people have opinions, which will then make public opinion increase. The media mobilizes voter by running campaigns and advertisements. There are many specific news sources which cover up their side of the story. This is due to the fact that some news sources are liberal or conservative. My first news source is going to be CNN which falls into the liberal side in politics. My second news source is The Blaze which falls into the conservative side in politics. Most of CNN’s viewers are Liberal which means most of the news they cover up will attract them. When it comes to The Blaze the responses they give out will attract people that are conservatives because that the type of information they consistently give out. After looking at both sources the current issue that I am analyzing is about Donald Trump and Michelle Obama. Donald Trump is our current President in the United States. Michelle Obama is the wife of the previous president Barack Obama. This all started when Michelle Obama wrote a memoir, “Becoming” (Source) where she mentions Trump and he had a response. Michelle Obama is apart of the Democratic Party while Donald Trump is apart of the Republican Party. Both parties are rivals from each other which means they don’t usually agree. If a liberal news source would cover this story it would paint Michelle Obama in a positive way while making Donald Trump look bad. If a conservative author would cover this story it would paint Donald Trump in a positive way and make Michelle Obama look bad.

My first news source is an article that CNN wrote about is how Michelle Obama wrote a memoir and Trump responded back. In the memoir, “Becoming” (Source) there is a part within where she mentions Trump and refers to him as someone she would "never forgive" (Source) Trump. The word “never” has a negative connotation and it is making it seem that they will never make up. After reading this article I noticed that it is biased in one way by leaving out some of Donald Trump responses and not covering fully what Michelle Obama said. This article also included that Trump made lies about her husband Barack Obama which is, “The former first lady writes in her new memoir that she will never forgive Trump for his role in promoting the "birther" conspiracy theory that falsely claimed that her husband was not born in the United States”(Source). This source also leaves out some information compared to others sources. This means that they only cover up what their audience wants to hear. This article could be influenced by the context in which it was written because Trump is now president and was written in 2018. Due to CNN being liberal, it is likely that the author is going to portray Trump negatively. This article might influence their audience in a way to view Trump as an enemy.

The second news source that I chose is The Blaze perspective about Trump response to Michelle Obama (Source). The Blaze is a news source that considers themselves conservatives. This source wrote an article that goes more in-depth into Trump's response. What this means is there is much more detail in his response. Specifically, this article states, “And I came in and I had to fix it, and I’m in the process of spending tremendous amounts of money”(Source). This quote was missing when CNN wrote their side of the story which is really interesting to see. The Blaze covered it and manage to cover both responses. Although what Donald Trump said made it seem like he is a victim by having to spend large amounts of money and having to fix it himself because he became the president. Although the news source is conservative it also goes more in depth in what Michelle Obama says. “The whole thing was crazy and mean-spirited, of course, its underlying bigotry and xenophobia hardly concealed. But it was also dangerous, deliberately meant to stir up the wingnuts and kooks,” Michelle wrote. “What if someone with an unstable mind loaded a gun and drove to Washington? What if that person went looking for our girls”(Source). I find this article convincing because of all the information of quotes that it has given us. Also, it seems that The Blaze covered this controversy better than CNN. This article could be influenced by the context in which it was written because the author is Christian Libertarian and was written in 2018. Those who read this article might influence their audience in a way to see both sides.

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